International Youth Day – Hospital Mission
August, 2022
With other organizations and partners VOYOTA had a big event at the Leganga Hospital. The aim was to clean the area.
The hospital in Leganga, where VOYOTA is located, called for help! The area around needed to be cleaned. No problem for VOYOTA and their partners around the district. Moreover, in order to raise awareness on the importance of hygiene and cleaness in general, the hospital of Leganga should serve as an example for people passing by. Additionally, the event served as an opportunity to raise further awareness on ecology, environment and climate change.
The day of August 10th VOYOTA and their partners met at the hospital with material like trash bags and gloves. In small groups they cleaned the whole area, making the hospital shine in cleaness.
Generally, hospitals in Tanzania, face the problems of limiting ressources and capacity. VOYOTA and their partners took this chance to meet some needs of the patients. After cleaning the area, the volunteers distributed hygiene products to the patients of the hospital, like soap, hygiene products for women, fresh water and more. This mission proved to be a success, both in terms of ecology and health. Doctors and hospital officials thanked the volunteers very much. It was a success!